Current Positions
Clinical Practice
Areas of Interest
Current Projects
Awards and Honours
Academic Service
Training Director
Course Organisation
Invited Speaking Engagements
Charity, IGA
2014 | Excellence in Ophthalmology Meeting, Birmingham, UK |
Greek Glaucoma Society, Athens, Greece | |
Panhellenic Ophthalmology Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece | |
EMYO European Ophthalmology Residents Course, Oporto, Portugal | |
International Glaucoma Symposium, Mainz, Germany | |
Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, Hong Kong | |
2013 | Moorfields/Greek Residents Revision Course, Thessaloniki, Greece |
Belgian Ophthalmology Congress, Brussels | |
South West Thames Regional Study Day, Chichester, UK | |
World Glaucoma Congress Faculty, Vancouver, Canada | |
RCOphth Glaucoma Imaging Course, Liverpool, UK | |
Residents' Grand Round, Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR, USA | |
Italian Glaucoma Society Meeting, Rome, Italy | |
Excellence in Ophthalmology Meeting (Novartis), Birmingham, UK | |
Sussex Eye Hospital Teaching, Brighton, UK | |
Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium, London, UK | |
The Optic Nerve Complex Symposium, Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress, Hyderabad, India | |
2012 | Update on New Surgical Procedures Symposium, Asia Pacific Glaucoma Conference, Bali, Indonesia |
Ophthalmic Imaging Association, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK | |
Modern Techniques and Technologies Symposium for Young Ophthalmologists, AAO meeting, Chicago, IL, USA | |
MSD Glaucoma Symposium, Seoul and Busan, Korea | |
Royal Free Regional Study Day, London, UK | |
Ocular Biomechanics Symposium, ISER, Berlin, Germany | |
Wessex regional glaucoma meeting, Southampton, UK | |
Lamina cribrosa imaging SIG, ARVO, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA | |
South West Thames Regional Study Day, Moorfields, London, UK | |
2010 | St Thomas' Hospital Ophthalmology Teaching, London, UK |
South West Thames Regional Study Day, Guildford, Surrey, UK | |
Glaucoma – the Next Generation (Allergan), London, UK | |
2009 | New Perspectives in Ophthalmology (MSD), Birmingham, UK |
SD-OCT SIG, ARVO, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA | |
International Spectralis Symposium, Miami, Florida, USA | |
Glaucoma Summit V, Yosemite, California, USA | |
2008 | MSD – Moorfields Glaucoma Symposium, London, UK |