Current Positions
Clinical Practice

Areas of Interest
Current Projects
Awards and Honours
Academic Service

Training Director
Course Organisation
Invited Speaking Engagements


Charity, IGA




Principal Appointment

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Appointments

Clinical Associate Professor, Discipline of Ophthalmology and Eye Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Honorary Senior Lecturer, Australian School of Advanced Medicine, Macquarie University, Sydney Australia

Adjunct Clinician-Scientist, Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore

Other Appointments

Editorial Board Member - British Journal of Ophthalmology, Current Eye Research and BMC Ophthalmology

Trustee, International Glaucoma Association

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Moorfields Eye Hospital

Clinical Glaucoma Fellow
Moorfields Eye Hospital

Postdoctoral Fellow
Optic Nerve Head Research Laboratory, Devers Eye Institute, Portland, OR, USA

Specialist Registrar in Ophthalmology
Moorfields Eye Hospital/North Thames Deanery

Research Fellow
Glaucoma Research Unit, Moorfields Eye Hospital

Senior House Officer in Ophthalmology
Royal Hallamshire Hospital (Sheffield), Prince Charles Eye Unit (Windsor), St Thomas's Hospital (London)

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Primary Medical Degree, UMDS (Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals, London)


Doctor of Medicine, University College London
'Measuring Progression In Glaucoma'
Supervisors DF Garway-Heath and FW Fitzke


Fellow, Royal College of Ophthalmologists


Certificate of Completion of Training (UK Specialist Registration in Ophthalmology)


Doctor of Philosophy, University College London
'3D Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of the Optic Nerve Head'
Supervisors CF Burgoyne and PT Khaw


Fellow, Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists


Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh

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Principal Interest

Nick Clinic
The diagnosis and management (medical, laser and surgical) of glaucoma and surgical management of cataract in adult glaucoma patients

Areas of Special Clinical Interest

Case detection using modern perimetric and imaging technology
Optic nerve head and nerve fibre layer imaging
Detecting glaucoma progression
Anti-proliferative augmented trabeculectomy surgery
Surgical management of complex and secondary glaucomas, especially glaucoma drainage devices (tube shunt surgery)
Revision surgery for complicated/failed glaucoma surgery
Investigating new glaucoma treatments including novel surgical devices, lasers and medications
Management of glaucoma in patients with complex corneal disease. Mr Strouthidis runs the UK's only joint corneal/glaucoma clinic for patients with Keratoprostheses (KPro) alongside Moorfields consultant corneal specialist, Mr Mark Wilkins.

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OCT-detected changes in the optic nerve head in an experimental model of glaucoma

Spectral-domain OCT volume of the optic nerve head


Nick Strouthidis has two research doctoral degrees. The first, an MD, was awarded in 2007 following research undertaken at the glaucoma research unit at Moorfields Eye Hospital. His MD thesis explored novel methods of detecting glaucoma disease progression using psychophysical tests and optic nerve imaging. He subsequently undertook a research fellowship at the Optic Nerve Head Research Laboratory at the Devers Eye Institute, Portland, Oregon, USA. During this time he investigated new OCT imaging technology in an experimental model of glaucoma. In this post he developed collaborations with engineers fuelling an interest in biomechanics of the optic nerve head in glaucoma. He was subsequently awarded a PhD from University College London, based on the work undertaken at the Devers Eye Institute.

MD thesis available here

PhD thesis available here

Nick Strouthidis is a funded-clinician scientist at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. He is the lead for glaucoma clinical trials and continues to pursue his own research interests:

Investigating in vivo biomechanics of the optic nerve head (in collaboration with Dr Michael Girard at the In Vivo Biomechanics Laboratory, National University Singapore)
Clinical imaging of the optic nerve in glaucoma
Investigating new surgical and laser treatments for glaucoma

Recent Publications:

Teleglaucoma – ready to go?

In vivo optic nerve head biomechanics: performance testing of a 3D tracking algorithm

Imaging the lamina cribrosa in glaucoma – perspectives of pathogenesis and clinical applications

Enhancement of lamina cribrosa visibility in optical coherence tomography images using adaptive compensation

Altering the way the optic nerve head responds to intraocular pressure - a potential approach to glaucoma therapy

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'In vivo corneal biomechanics - a biomarker for glaucoma?' – co-principal investigator with Dr Michael Girard (NUS). Funded by BrightFocus Foundation and Special Trustees of Moorfields

'Engineering tools for novel diagnosis and risk profiling in glaucoma: assessment of optic nerve head biomechanics in vivo' – co-principal investigator with Dr Michael Girard (NUS). Funded by Imperial College Junior Fellowship.

Laser in glaucoma and ocular hypertension trial (LiGHT study) Health-Related Quality of Life in two treatment pathways for open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension: a randomised controlled trial of initial selective laser trabeculoplasty versus conventional medical therapy. Local PI (Chief Investigator, Mr Gus Gazzard)
Study site: Moorfields at Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK

UKBiobank – Moorfields lead PI for glaucoma imaging

Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study (TAGS) – Moorfields site PI (Chief Investigator, Mr Anthony King)

MS-001, Post Market Multicentric Evaluation of the Aquesys Xen Implant in Moderate Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Subjects – Moorfields site PI

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2013   ARVO International Travel Grant
2012   Heidelberg Engineering Xtreme Research Lecture Award (with Dr Michael Girard)
2009   European Glaucoma Society Travel Grant
2009   World Glaucoma Congress Travel Grant
2008   Moorfields Surgeons Association Travel Award
2007   Royal College of Ophthalmologists/Pfizer Fellowship
1996   UMDS Charles Oldham Essay Prize in Ophthalmology


2009 Presentation entitled 'A comparison of optic disc margin anatomy using clinical photographs and spectral domain optical coherence tomography' included in the 'best of the American Glaucoma Society' session at the World Glaucoma Congress
  Paper entitled 'Detection of deep optic nerve head changes in experimental glaucoma using longitudinal spectral domain optical coherence imaging' awarded best oral presentation at the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society Meeting
2007 Paper entitled 'Structure and function in glaucoma; the relationship between a functional visual field map and an anatomical retinal map' shortlisted in the top 6 of all scientific papers published in glaucoma 2005-2006 by the scientific committee of the Association of International Glaucoma Societies

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Crash Course: Ophthalmology, Dermatology, ENT (Eds S Cheung, N Islam, D Keegan, J McGuiness, N Strouthidis) Mosby Elsevier, London (2009)


Optic nerve: Heidelberg Retina Tomography (NG Strouthidis, DF Garway-Heath) in Pearls of Glaucoma Management (Eds J Giaconi, S Law, A Coleman, J Caprioli) Springer, Berlin (2010)

Detecting glaucoma progression by imaging (NG Strouthidis, DF Garway-Heath) in Glaucoma: Progress III (Essentials of Ophthalmogy: Eds F Grehn, R Stamper). Springer, Berlin (2009)

The reference plane (N Strouthidis) in Optic nerve head and retinal nerve fibre layer analysis (Eds M Iester, D Garway Heath, H Lemij) DOGMA, Savona, Italy (2005)

Monitoring progression using steroemetric parameters (N Strouthidis) in Optic nerve head and retinal nerve fibre layer analysis (Eds M Iester, D Garway Heath, H Lemij) DOGMA, Savona, Italy (2005)


Heidelberg Retina Tomograph in Glaucoma. In the e-book 'Diagnostic Technologies in Glaucoma' NG Strouthidis and DF Garway-Heath (ed A Azuaro-Blanco)

Minimizing Artifacts and Avoiding Pitfalls. In 'Glaucoma Now' Issue 2-2012


44.  Recent advances in OCT imaging of the lamina cribrosa Sigal IA, Wang B, Strouthidis NG, Akagi T, Girard MJ Br J Ophthalmol 2014 Jul;98 Suppl 2:ii34-ii39. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2013-304751

43.  Translating ocular biomechanics into clinical practice: current state and future prospects Girard MJA, Dupps WJ, Baskaran M, Scarcelli G, Yun SH, Quigley HA, Sigal IA, Strouthidis NG Curr Eye Res 2014 Accepted for publication

42.  Teleglaucoma – ready to go? Strouthidis NG, Chandrasekharan G, Diamond JP, IE Murdoch Br J Ophthalmol 2014 April 10. [Epub ahead of print]

41.  Longitudinal detection of optic nerve head changes by spectral domain optical coherence tomography in early experimental glaucomaHe L, Yang H, Gardiner SK, Williams GA, Hardin C, Strouthidis NG, Fortune B, Burgoyne CF Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2014 Jan 29;55(1):574-586

40.  Relationship between ganglion cell inner plexiform layer and optic disc/retinal nerve fiber layer parameters in non-glaucomatous eyes. Tham YC, Cheung CY, Koh VT, Cheng CY, Sidhartha E, Strouthidis NG, Wong TY, Aung T. BR J OPHTHALMOL. 2013 accepted for publication

39.  In vivo optic nerve head biomechanics: performance testing of a 3D tracking algorithm. Girard MJA, Mari JM, Desjardins A, Strouthidis NG, Ethier CR. J ROY SOC INTERFACE. 2013 Jul 24;10(87):20130459

38.  Imaging the lamina cribrosa in glaucoma – perspectives of pathogenesis and clinical applications. Kim TW, Kagemann L, Girard MJA, Strouthidis NG, Sung KR, Leung CK, Schuman JS, Wollstein G. CURR EYE RES. 2013 Sep;38(9):903-9

37.  Clinical evaluation of glaucoma in children. Strouthidis NG, Papadopoulos M. CURR OPHTHALMOL REPORTS. 2013;1(2):106-112

36.  Enhancement of lamina cribrosa visibility in optical coherence tomography images using adaptive compensation. Mari JM, Strouthidis NG, Park SC, Girard MJA. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2013;54(3):2238-47

35.  Neuroprotection and other novel therapies for glaucoma. Nucci C, Strouthidis NG, Khaw PT. CURR OPIN PHARMOCOLOGY. 2012 Nov 7. Pii: S1471-4892(12)00205-6

34.  Altering the way the optic nerve head responds to intraocular pressure - a potential approach to glaucoma therapy. Strouthidis NG, Girard MJ. CURR OPIN PHARMOCOLOGY. 2012 Sep 19. Pii: S1471-4892(12)00158-0

33.  Comparison of neuroretinal rim area measurements made by Heidelberg Retina Tomograph I and Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II. Wang YX, O'Leary N, Strouthidis NG, White ET, Ho TA, Garway-Heath DF. J GLAUCOMA. 2012 May 8 [Epub ahead of print]

32.  Spectral domain optical coherence tomography enhanced depth imaging of the normal and glaucomatous non-human primate optic nerve head. Yang H, Qi J, Gardiner SK, Strouthidis NG, Fortune B, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2012;53(1):394-405

31.  Effect of acute intraocular pressure elevation on the monkey optic nerve head as detected by spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Strouthidis NG, Fortune B, Yang H, Sigal IA, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2011;52(13):9431-7

30.  24-Hour IOP telemetry in the non-human primate: implant system performance and initial characterization of IOP at multiple timescales. Downs JC, Burgoyne CF, Seigfreid WP, Reynaud JF, Strouthidis NG, Sallee V.INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2011;52(10):7365-75

29.  Shadow removal and contrast enhancement in optical coherence tomography images of the human optic nerve head. Girard MJ, Strouthidis NG, Ethier CR, Mari JM. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2011;52(10):7738-48

28.  Longitudinal change detected by spectral domain optical coherence tomography in the optic nerve head and peripapillary retina in experimental glaucoma. Strouthidis NG, Fortune B, Yang H, Sigal IA, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2011;52(3):1206-19 (Cover image)

27.  The Heidelberg Retina Tomograph Glaucoma Probability Score; reproducibility and measurement of progression. Strouthidis NG, Demirel S, Asaoka R, Cossio-Zuniga C, Garway-Heath DF. OPHTHALMOLOGY. 2010;117(4):724-9

26.  A comparison of optic nerve head morphology viewed by spectral domain optical coherence tomography and by serial histology. Strouthidis NG, Grimm J, Williams G, Cull GA, Wilson DJ, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2010;51(3):1464-74

25.  Predicting progression to glaucoma in ocular hypertensive patients. Strouthidis NG, Gardiner SK, Owen VM, Zuniga C, Garway-Heath DF. J GLAUCOMA.2010;19(5):304-9

24.  HRT-3 Moorfields reference plane: effect on rim area repeatability and identification of progression. Asaoka R, Strouthidis NG, Kappou V, Gardiner S, Garway-Heath DF. BR J OPHTHALMOL. 2009;93(11):1510-3

23.  Comparison of clinical and spectral domain optical coherence tomography optic disc margin anatomy. Strouthidis NG, Yang H, Reynaud J, Grimm J, Gardiner S, Fortune B, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2009;50(10):4709-18

22.  The effect of acute intraocular pressure elevation on peripapillary retinal thickness, retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and retardance. Fortune B, Yang H, Strouthidis NG, Cull GA, Grimm J, Downs JC, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL. 2009;50(10):4719-26

21.  The spatial pattern of neuroretinal rim loss in ocular hypertension. Strouthidis NG, Gardiner S, Sinapis C, Burgoyne CF, Garway-Heath DF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2009;50(8):3737-42

20.  Comparison of clinical and three-dimensional histomorphometric optic disc margin anatomy. Strouthidis NG, Yang H, Downs JC, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2009;50(5):2165-74

19.  Detection of optic nerve head neural canal opening within histomorphometric and spectral domain optical coherence tomography data sets. Strouthidis NG, Yang H, Fortune B, Downs JC, Burgoyne CF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2009;50(1):214-23

18.  Poli A, Strouthidis NG, Ho TA, Garway-Heath DF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2008;49(9):3970-5

17.  New developments in HRT. Strouthidis NG, Garway-Heath DF. CURR OPIN OPHTHALMOL. 2008;19(2):141-148

16.  Monitoring glaucomatous progression using a novel HRT event analysis. Fayers T, Strouthidis NG, Garway-Heath DF. OPHTHALMOLOGY. 2007;114(11):1973-80

15.  Acute panuveitis with hypopyon in Crohn's disease secondary to medical therapy: a case report. Haider D, Dhawahir-Scala FE, Strouthidis NG, Davies N. J MED CASE REPORTS. 2007:4;1:42

14.  Bilateral epiretinal membranes in Gorlin syndrome associated with a novel PTCH Mutation. Scott A, Strouthidis NG, Robson AG, Macdonald F, Maher ER, Schlottmann PG, Michaelides M. AM J OPHTHALMOL. 2007;143(2):346-8

13.  Monitoring glaucomatous visual field progression; the effect of a novel spatial filter. Strouthidis NG, Scott A, Viswanathan AC, Crabb DP, Garway-Heath DF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2007;48(1):251-257

12.  Structure and function in glaucoma; the relationship between a functional visual field map and an anatomical retinal map. Strouthidis NG, Vinciotti V, Tucker AJ, Gardiner SK, Crabb DP, Garway-Heath DF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2006;47:5356–5362

11.  Measurement variability in Heidelberg Retina Tomograph imaging of neuroretinal rim area. Owen VMF, Strouthidis NG, Garway-Heath DF, Crabb DP. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2006;47:5322–5330

10.  Detergent capsules causing chemical ocular injuries in infants. Fayers T, Munneke R, Strouthidis NG. J PEDIATR OPHTHALMOL STRABISMUS. 2006;43:250-251

9.  Optic disc and visual field progression in ocular hypertensive subjects; detection rates, specificity and agreement. Strouthidis NG, Scott A, Peter NM, Garway-Heath DF. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2006;47:2904-2910

8.  Improving the Repeatability of Heidelberg Retina Tomograph and Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II Rim Area Measurements. Strouthidis NG, White ET, Ho TA, Garway-Heath DF. BR J OPHTHALMOL. 2005;89:1433-1437

7.  Factors affecting the Test-Retest Variability of the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph and the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II. Strouthidis NG, White ET, Ho TA, Hammond CJ, Garway-Heath DF. BR J OPHTHALMOL. 2005;89:1427-1432

6.  An unusual cause of acute lid swelling. De Silva DJ, Strouthidis NG, Tariq S, Davies N. EYE. 2006;20:271-2

5.  A new statistical approach for quantifying change in series of retinal and optic nerve head topography images. Patterson AJ, Garway-Heath DF, Strouthidis NG, Crabb DP. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VIS SCI. 2005;46(5):1659-67

4.  The correlation between change in optic disc neuroretinal rim area and differential light sensitivity. Strouthidis NG, Garway-Heath DF. PERIMETRY UPDATE. 2002/2003

3.  Vertical diplopia following peribulbar anesthesia: the role of hyaluronidase. Strouthidis NG, Sobha S, Lanigan LP, Hammond CJ. J PEDIATR OPHTHALMOL STRABISMUS. 2004;41:25-30

2.  Posterior segment complications of graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplantation. Strouthidis NG, Francis PJ, Holder GE, Stanford MR, Bird AC, Graham EM. BR J OPHTHALMOL. 2003;87(11):1421-3

1.  A pilot study of pars plana vitrectomy, intraocular gas, and radial neurotomy in ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion. Williamson TH, Poon W, Whitefield L, Strouthidis N, Jaycock P. BR J OPHTHALMOL. 2003 Sep; 87(9):1126-9

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Editorial Board Member
British Journal of Ophthalmology
Current Eye Research
BMC Ophthalmology

Research Grant Reviewer
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong

Journal Reviewer
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
British Journal of Ophthalmology
Current Eye Research
Journal of Glaucoma

Glaucoma-Themed Neurosciences Issue of Current Opinion in Pharmacology (February 2013)

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Nick Strouthidis

Glaucoma Service, Moorfields Eye Hospital

In this role, Nick Strouthidis oversees the running of the glaucoma fellowship program at Moorfields and organises a weekly (Wednesday morning) glaucoma service teaching program.

Clinical glaucoma fellowships at Moorfields are awarded by competitive interview and are open to candidates from anywhere in the world, subject to appropriate experience and eligibility for GMC registration with license to practise. Positions are advertised several times a year on the BMJ careers website and the NHS Jobs website.

You can read more about fellowships and clinical observerships at Moorfields here

If you are an ophthalmology trainee or optometrist and are interested in attending the glaucoma service teaching, you can register your interest here

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Chairman and Organiser, Glaucoma surgery: balancing safety and success – Royal College of Ophthalmologists Seminar Program, London, UK (due Sept 2014)


Chairman and Organiser, ATHENA Glaucoma Meeting (sponsored by Allergan) – Paddington, London, UK


Managing Uveitic Glaucoma Course, Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA


Organiser of international fellowship promotional event for NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

2013 -

Organiser of the 'Anterior Segment Therapeutics Module' for the UCL Clinical Ophthalmology MSc. Learn more about this degree course here

2013 -

Co-chair of Heidelberg Engineering Glaucoma Education Faculty


Organiser of Moorfields Glaucoma Imaging and New Technology Course

More information about academic courses run at Moorfields is available here

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Nick Speaking


Excellence in Ophthalmology Meeting, Birmingham, UK
Greek Glaucoma Society, Athens, Greece
Panhellenic Ophthalmology Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece
EMYO European Ophthalmology Residents Course, Oporto, Portugal
International Glaucoma Symposium, Mainz, Germany
Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress, Hong Kong


Moorfields/Greek Residents Revision Course, Thessaloniki, Greece
Belgian Ophthalmology Congress, Brussels
South West Thames Regional Study Day, Chichester, UK
World Glaucoma Congress Faculty, Vancouver, Canada
RCOphth Glaucoma Imaging Course, Liverpool, UK
Residents' Grand Round, Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR, USA
Italian Glaucoma Society Meeting, Rome, Italy
Excellence in Ophthalmology Meeting (Novartis), Birmingham, UK
Sussex Eye Hospital Teaching, Brighton, UK
Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium, London, UK
The Optic Nerve Complex Symposium, Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress, Hyderabad, India


Update on New Surgical Procedures Symposium, Asia Pacific Glaucoma Conference, Bali, Indonesia
Ophthalmic Imaging Association, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
Modern Techniques and Technologies Symposium for Young Ophthalmologists, AAO meeting, Chicago, IL, USA
MSD Glaucoma Symposium, Seoul and Busan, Korea
Royal Free Regional Study Day, London, UK
Ocular Biomechanics Symposium, ISER, Berlin, Germany
Wessex regional glaucoma meeting, Southampton, UK
Lamina cribrosa imaging SIG, ARVO, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA
South West Thames Regional Study Day, Moorfields, London, UK


St Thomas' Hospital Ophthalmology Teaching, London, UK
South West Thames Regional Study Day, Guildford, Surrey, UK
Glaucoma – the Next Generation (Allergan), London, UK


New Perspectives in Ophthalmology (MSD), Birmingham, UK
SD-OCT SIG, ARVO, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA
International Spectralis Symposium, Miami, Florida, USA
Glaucoma Summit V, Yosemite, California, USA


MSD – Moorfields Glaucoma Symposium, London, UK

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The IGA is the charity for people with glaucoma. It is a patient-led organisation that aims to prevent glaucoma-related visual loss through the provision of information, advice and literature for patients, their families, carers and healthcare organisations.

The IGA operates an advice service known as 'Sightline', Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5.00pm. Outside of office hours, a voicemail can be left and staff will contact back upon return.

Sightline Phone: 01233 64 81 70

Glaucoma SIM App

Nick Strouthidis serves on the IGA Grant Committee, which awards a number of grants each year to assist clinicians and scientists to carry out research projects related to glaucoma. He has also been involved in the development of a smartphone app called 'glaucomasim' designed to help educate patients, their families and carers about the potentially damaging effects of glaucoma. The development of the app was a collaboration between the IGA, MSD pharmaceuticals and glaucoma consultant colleagues at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Read an article about the app here

Mr Strouthidis has also authored an article about 'what to expect when you go to the glaucoma clinic' featured in the website supporting the glaucomasim app.

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